Saturday, April 24, 2010

National Day of Prayer

After a Facebook conversation with Patty Sprunt I decided to invite friends to an event: National Day of Prayer. Here are some of the notes and correspondences.

EVERYONE who believes in the power of prayer and who loves the United States of America, please join us on May 6 as a special day of prayer for our country. Begin your morning with a prayer of thanksgiving for all of our abundant blessing and ask our Heavenly Father to bless our country. Keep this prayer in your heart all day long. Plan a specific time when you can join with family and friends to offer up a prayer together. At the close of the day, pray again that our Father will bless our country and that we can join hands as brothers and sisters in freedom and truth. God bless America.

Heidi Sommerfeld Stevenson I will be attending this event.
Teresa Radsick Absolutely!

Patty Sprunt The power of social networking being put to good use! - I will be attending and I will share this with my friends and family. May God bless our country and it's citizens.

Shaila Measles Bergquist I will be attending! May God bless America!

Tiffany Anne Ricks Thanks for inviting me. Our country certainly could use our prayers (as Individuals and in groups). Hard times are coming and the only way we will get through them is keeping a close relationship with God, as a nation, as families, groups and individuals! Amen! We need prayer :)
Heidi Sommerfeld Stevenson Thanks for accepting the invitation. Our numbers may be few, but our faith is strong.
Susana Atanasova ♥ Shared ♥

Susana Atanasova ♥ Shared Widely ♥

Cynthia A Peel This is a good idea for everyday, but I'll happily focus my prayers for our country on the 6th. I hope all of us can feel a special bond as we pray together for the "land of the free and the home of the brave." :)

Mary Armstrong Ludwig I think I could probably do that...I mean- I pray...every day...??
Heidi Sommerfeld Stevenson Thank you! We all should. :-)

Gigi Noa Yes!!

Mariel Gonzalez Ganowsky I will join!

Carole Eady thanks Beth Sally and I will will make sure we are praying for the day of prayer and also pray extra hard that our country will see the need for prayer

Wendy Brimhall Kremin Just like every day of the year, I will be praying!

Angela Jacobson Everyday should be prayer day :)

Heidi Sommerfeld Stevenson April 15 at 8:37pm
I'd like to thank you for clicking "yes" to a National Day of Prayer. Please invite your family and friends to join in on this whether they are on Facebook or not. I know that our combined prayers will be a blessing in our personal lives, to our country, and to the world. We can all be united in a prayer of faith no matter which party we support or which religion we believe. Let's continue to preserve our right to pray.

Heidi Sommerfeld Stevenson April 22 at 7:48pm
Thank you to my many friends and friends of friends who have have decided to still join in prayer on May 6 for the good of our country and the good of this world we live on. (Friends in the US, Canada, and Great Britain. Perhaps from more countries as well.) It warms my heart. Happy Earth Day.

1988: A bill was introduced to Congress which fixed the annual NDP at the first Thursday in May. The Senate bill, S 1378, was introduced by Stron Thurmond (R-SC); a matching House version was initiated by Tony Hall, (D-OH). It received broad bipartisan sponsorship and support, and became Public Law 100-307. It was signed into law by President Reagan on 1988-MAY-5. He commented: "On our National Day of Prayer, then, we join together as people of many faiths to petition God to show us His mercy and His love, to heal our weariness and uphold our hope, that we might live ever mindful of His justice and thankful for His blessing."

Lincoln set aside the last Thursday of November as a National Day of Thanksgiving. I wonder when that will also be deemed unconstitutional?

Our churches were filled the first Thursday of May following September 11. Oh, how soon we have all forgotten. Thank you to all of you--those who remember!

Joe Olejnik April 23 at 12:32pm Report
Is there anything scheduled for this at The Crossing proper?

Tiffany Anne Ricks April 23 at 3:41pm Report
We do live in a crazy, heading backwards kind of Country and world sometimes. It is sad when the best of things are considered bad things. I guess it's prophecy being fulfilled when Good is bad and bad is good. We just got to keep holding on and practicing what we believe even if it is hard and opposed by others. Thanks for your efforts to help our country and world. Bye Tiffany

Tiffany Anne Ricks April 23 at 3:53pm Report
I agree with you, we do need to preserve our right to pray, if we remain permissive and do not take a stand, soon the extreme opposing side will do all they can to keep us from having that right. It happened in history several times, where people were limited in their right to pray outloud. If we let people say there right to not hear a prayer is above our right to say a prayer, there is something wrong with that. We shouldn't have to take God out of everything and obligize for believing in Him. If those who don't believe in God had respect for us and our rights, they wouldn't expect or force us to either, they'd simply be free to declare they don't believe and wouldn't expect or try to force them to. This really reminds me of the Book of Mormon and some stories in the bible!

Susana Atanasova April 23 at 6:35am
Heidi ~ It goes back to a national day of prayer AND FASTING in the 1880s. For real.

Heidi Sommerfeld Stevenson April 23 at 8:44pm
That's true, Susana. But there are so few people who want to pray now; do you think that they'd be willing to fast? ;-)

Wow, Heidi ~ Want to hear something weird? When I read that (in the e-mail alert) just now, I smiled, 'cause it's Truth, then, before this page even loaded to reply to you, I got teary-eyes... Why? Because it's _so sad_:
_IF_ people would only TRY fasting _once_, they'd see for themselves how much BETTER we are, as human beings (and spiritual beings) for having done it.
When did He _ever_ tell us to do something NOT for our own good?
But, you're right ~ It's like pushing pudding uphill, or corraling cats...
Still, baby steps, Faith & perseverance ♥ ♥ ♥
I just accepted an invitation to a group on Hindus ~ I know so little about them, really ~ But, as I posted to them when I joined, "My eenemy's enemy is my friend ~ They're suffering murders, homes destroyed, etc by Muslim extremists, too...

Melissa Hayford Carroll April 24 at 9:30pm
Just wanted to thank you for putting this together. It really has opened my eyes to some of the people I have as "friends". Everyone is entitled to have their own beliefs and I respect that, but is it so hard to pray for the benefit of us all? It has amazed me at how many seem to be against what I see as a good thing.
Anyway, thanks again. I will be praying and fasting that day.

Heidi Sommerfeld Stevenson April 25 at 8:55am
Yes, it's been a real eye opener for me as well. I think that there are just too many people who think that the separation of church and state means that we cannot unite together in anything spiritual. I have many Facebook friends that are wonderful LDS people, but, they either didn't read what the event was about, or they think that they shouldn't be summoned to prayer, or they think that it's a personal matter and that we shouldn't try to unite. Who knows? It's amazing to me that it's been close to 50% yes, 50% no all along. I want to thank you for your own faith that you will fast and pray. Even though there are just of few of us, there are many throughout our country that are praying to preserve our freedoms, and that are serving to preserve our freedoms. I know that our Heavenly Father will look at our efforts on May 6 (and every other day), and I know that we will be blessed, and our country will be blessed....or maybe we will be blessed to help our country. Thanks so much, Melissa. Have a great Sabbath.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 2010 General Conference

Saturday Morning General Conference 3 April 2010
President Monson
We call upon members of the church to reach out to new converts and to those who are making their way back.
Church continues to reach out in humanitarian service; most recently Haiti and Chile. We express love to our saints in these areas. 25 years of the humanitarian service efforts.
New temples are a testimony of the growth of the church. We will continue to build temple throughout the world as our membership grows. Be faithful in performing ordinances for those who are unable to do so for themselves.
President Monson’s wife is recovering well after a fall where she broke a hip and a shoulder and had two subsequent surgeries. She was at the YW Broadcast, and she is at this session of conference sitting with a daughter. He cannot keep these Swedish sisters down.
“You are tall and skinny, and I think you look better in a navy uniform.” “So I joined the navy.”
President Packer
I speak to fathers of families.
Gideon was over the armies of Israel. He chose 300 men. He chose them by how they drank water.
Satan is abroad in the land. He seeks to destroy the souls of men. Gideon’s army—they stood every man in his place.
John the Baptist conferred upon Joseph and Oliver the Aaronic Priesthood. Peter, James, and John conferred the higher Priesthood, Melchizedek. They were commanded to carry the gospel to all nations. The early saints were subject to unspeakable troubles. 180 years after Priesthood restored, we are almost 14 million strong. We can and in due time certainly will left all of humanity. We will win this battle against Satan.
We cannot progress without the support of the sisters. Priesthood power is given to men to act for God on the earth. Priesthood does not have the strength that it should have, and it will not until it is firmly placed in the family. All programs of the church should not supplant the home, but support the home.
It is the father’s right and the duty to preside, even if there is someone from the 1st Presidency or council of the 12 is present in his home. If the father is not there, it is the mother’s right to president. (President Lee declined to give a young man who was leaving to war a blessing. He was told to go home and ask his father to give him a blessing….The power of the priesthood filled both of them, as the boy’s father gave his son a blessing.)
President Packer told a young man that his father would ordain him. The young man said that he’d asked another brother to do it. President Packer repeated that his father should do it.
We need everyone—the tired, the worn out, the lazy. We must go forward, confident with the eternal power of the Priesthood. I the Lord am bound when you do what I say. It is now our responsibility to activate the Priesthood power in the earth.
Counsel to fathers—you will receive direction from the Lord through the power of the Holy Ghost. The most important thing is for a man and his wife and his children to be happy and protected at home. “This is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.”
Fear is the opposite of faith.
Sister Beck
Much distraction, not much peace and joy. Media’s lies about who we are. Among uncertainties, sister have a deep desire to do what is right. A good woman knows that she doesn’t have enough time to take care of everyone and do everything that she wants to do. She needs to ignore worldly message. Spend some time in scriptures every day. Prayer. Have a paper and pen(cil) to record revelation. Mother’s can feel Spirit even among noisy children, but they can lose the Spirit if they become angry. Personal revelation gives us direction of what we should do every day. It is possible to feel bathed in health even in turbulent times. Relief Society has it at its very core the responsibility to help strengthen sisters. A woman can be trusted and relied upon to make significant contributions to the church. We want to be ladies in very deed; not in a worldly way, but in doing good. Greatest good we can do for ourselves and each other is to become refined. We can feel certain that the Lord is pleased when we feel His Spirit working in us. The Lord depends upon his daughters to do their part to strengthen home and church.
Elder McMullin
Troubled world. Sometimes feels like man is hanging in the balance. Message of God’s forgiveness has a condition, that we forgive others. As someone from a concentration camp forgave a former guard, the healing power of forgiveness filled his whole being. If we are to walk with our heads held high, we must make our contribution. “Duty does not require perfection, but it does require diligence…Doing one’s duty is a manifestation of one’s faith.” First, our path of duty is to God. When we do our duty to God, we then do our duty to each other. We become loyal and benevolent; we become friends. We can know our duty through prayer. Need to be guiding by the Spirit in praying and in receiving answers to prayer. “Fear God and keep His commandments,” for this is the whole duty of man.
Elder Wilford Anderson
Saints went to Nauvoo seeking refuge. Persecution was relentless. 1846 forced to leave their homes. Quotes on signs nailed to fence posts were filled with joy and hope. These early saints were indeed homeless but they were not hopeless. True source of hope is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. (Faith of saints in Haiti.) Basic needs were met, and order began to emerge out of chaos. Hope and happiness and joy are not products of circumstance, but of faith in the Lord. If we would build our hope, we must build our faith (in Christ). Faith grows by keeping the commandments. Faith comes by righteousness. We grow in confidence that through the atonement everything will be all right. But faith in Author of the Plan of Happiness, gain peace through the Prince of Peace. “Remember, remember that it is upon the Rock of our Redeemer that you must build your foundation…” He will not forget us, for we are written upon the palms of His hands.
Elder Ballard
Giving the daughters equal time. Mothers and daughters play a critical role. Brothers cannot replicate the divine gifts of womanhood. Dear YW do not look to contemporary culture for identity; look to your mother. Mothers, your example is extremely important to your daughters. As mothers in Israel, you are your daughters first defense against the wiles of the world. Teach your daughters to find joy in nurturing children. “The most important work that you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home.” Faithful daughters avoid the temptation to gossip and speak ill of each other. Gossip undermines most precious part of womanhood—to be a nurturer. Talk to your daughters about sexual matters. Have frequent open discussions and teach the truth about important matters. A woman’s value is not equated with her sensual appeal. Through making and keeping covenants will strengthen the youth. “Be strong and of good courage.” Help to lead youth safely to the House of the Lord. Follow the noble example of the faithful followers of Jesus Christ. The home is the most important place to prepare the youth of today to lead the home and the church of tomorrow. Teach, nurture, and prepare one another within the walls of our homes.
President Eyring
President Eyring helped a young woman to learn how to repent. We help God’s children best by providing ways for them to develop faith in Jesus Christ when they are young. A loving Heavenly Father places directions and rescuers along the way. “He sent His Son.” Are most important and powerful assignments are in the family. We have the opportunity in a child’s early life to help place his foot firmly in the path. Eight years of protected time to teach a child. They are given primary teachers as well; they partake of the sacrament with the understanding that they will receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost after their baptism.
President Eyring’s son walking home in the dark realized that he needed help. He stopped to pray. Two young people came to help him. They took him to their home, found his phone number in the phone book and his father picked him up and took him home. Personal Progress and Duty to God are powerful programs to help rescue and safeguard our youth. “Learn what we should learn; do what we should do; and be what we should be.” (President Monson) Personal Progress helps young women prepare to receive ordinances in the temple. Let our children feel our confidence that they can make it home to God. Work on goals with our children. As you follow promised direction, we and our youth can be lived safely home to live with God as families forever.

Saturday Afternoon General Conference 3 April 2010
Elder Perry
As he flipped through the pages of his mother’s notebook, it was like hearing his mother’s words one more time. Her best teaching occurred with her children in her home. She prepared diligently to be an example to her children. Second, what she prepared for her lesson (RS) could be used for a higher purpose, teaching in the home. Parents are entrusted with the education of their children. Parents most ensure that their children are learning correct principles. Mother was a natural teacher. She made sure that we were doing well on our school lessons, and she often supplemented the lesson. We memorized scriptures and the Articles of Faith. A parent’s teaching must never be devalued. Parents must teach their children in the home: values, morals, ethical standards, and faith. Parents bring the gospel teachings into their homes one lesson at a time. Happiness, prosperity, and peace all find there roots by teaching our children in our homes. Teach at the cradle-side: teach by example and by precept.
We believe in the immense power of teaching in our homes. Our teaching in our homes prepares us to teach more effectively at church; and our lessons at church prepare us to teach more effectively at home. Responsibilities of parents are set forth in The Family: A Proclamation to the World. So much of the responsibility of teaching a child in the home rests on the mother. (The father is outside of the home to work and provide.) It is our sacred duty to do our very best.
Elder Christofferson
William Tindell’s crime was to have translated and published the Bible into English. “If God saves my life, I will see that the boy that plows the field has more access to the Bible than the pope himself.” (Get real quote.) Under another name he worked on his translation in Germany and the Bibles were smuggled into England. We owe a debt of gratitude to those who preserved the word of God and made it available to us. Through the scriptures, God does indeed show forth his power in order to save His children. The scriptures expand our memory and understanding. We can learn the truth of things that have transpired through the reading of the scriptures.
Today the scriptures are at hand, yet there is a growing scriptural illiteracy. God’s commandments are the voice of reality. Scriptures are the touchtone for measuring ________ and truth. Blessings come from honoring true principles; tragedies fall where people abandon them. Scriptures are to fill our souls with faith in God the Father, and in His Son, in the atonement; faith to come to know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent. Faith comes by the witness of the Holy Ghost spirit to spirit as we hear or read the word of God.
We have the Bible, plus 900 extra pages, plus the words of the prophets in conference and magazines. Our need for constant recourse to the scriptures is greater than in any earlier time. Pick them up and read them.
Elder Aoyagi
Offer helping hands in the Lord’s way. As a new convert, he needed strengthening to come back into line with what he should be doing. There were those to help him. Made a promise in his heart to repent and fully follow Jesus Christ for the rest of his life. The same girl who sent a postcard, that rescued him and brought him back, is the one that he later married in the temple, after he served a mission.
Sometimes we think we are weak and lack the faith to rescue others, but the Lord reminds us, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brothers, ye have done it unto me.” We have a mandate to serve and lift His children. Follow counsel of the prophet, and each day seek out those that we can serve.
Elder Carlson
“We crashed on takeoff about a hundred feet from where we ended up last year.” (One fisherman to the other.) The safety of the church lies in the members keeping the commandments.
When we choose to not keep a commandment:
1. We don’t think it applies to us.
2. We don’t think it is important.
3. We think that it is too difficult for us to keep.
When the Lord commands, Do it! “If you keep my commandments, ye shall have eternal life.”
Elder Bednar
We are blessed by spiritual warning signals. Noah prepared the ark to the saving of his house. Lehi was warned to take his family into the wilderness. Savior saved when Joseph received revelation to flee into Egypt.
Spiritual early warning system applies to children of all ages:
1. Reading and talking about the Book of Mormon
2. Bearing testimony spontaneously.
3. Inviting children to act and not be acted upon.
Elder Holland
Three YW ran up to see hello in an airport. All three were experiencing a temple divorce. Each one’s husband had become involved in pornography.
Most days we all find ourselves assaulted with inappropriate material. The adversary is extending his coverage to cell phones, internet, and iPods. Lust is the most deadly of the 7 deadly sins. Lust defiles the highest and holiest relationship that God allows us in mortality. Lust is characterized by shame and stealth. Lust celebrates self-indulgences and comes with an open appetite. It destroys that which is second to faith in God; namely the faith we have in those we love.
Remove yourself from any of these harmful enticements. When leaving the sin of temptation, do not leave a forwarding address. Get help; pray; ask for the help of angels; ask for a priesthood blessing. Use self-control. Some things may not be evil to begin with but may have the potential to dull our senses and lead us to evil. More than one man has been saved by the memory of the face of his mother, or his wife, or his child. Let will be your reason.
Cultivate and be where the Spirit of the Lord is. Have sacred music and pictures. If endowed, go to the temple. Remember the symbols you take with you, never to be set aside or forgotten. “Let’s work a little harder to always remember Him.” (Isaiah 59)
We can be rescued by Jesus. “O Jesus, Thou Son of God, Have mercy on me.” (Alma)
“I will give place no more for the enemy of my soul.” (Nephi)
May the joy of our fidelity to the highest and best within us be ours as we keep ourselves as pure as we were meant to be.

Sunday Morning General Conference 4 April 2010
Christ the Lord is Risen Today!
President Uchtdorf
A statue of Jesus was damaged during war. The people were so sad. They restored it as much as they could, but they could not restore the hands. The people added the sign, “You are my hands.”
President Uchtdorf always pictures the Lord with hands outstretched. We should be doing as He did as His disciples. “As we emulate His perfect example, our hands can become His hands; our eyes His eyes; our hearts His heart.
Some become discouraged and quit coming to church, because they don’t think that they fit in.
After WWII, goods were brought to help the people in Germany. He remembers the smell of the clothes and the canned peaches. Some people joined the church because of the help they received. These people must be accepted. Let us help our fellow saints feel that they have found a home in the church. “All men are privileged, the one like unto another, and none our forbidden.” Let us not hold ourselves in higher esteem than our needier brethren. “We all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God. We all are need of mercy.” Extend to others that which we most earnestly desire for ourselves. The worth of souls is great in the sight of God. Every person that we meet is a V.I.P. in the sight of our Heavenly Father. We are commanded to mourn with those that mourn and comfort those who stand in need of comfort. A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Let us love at all times, and let us be there for our brother at times of adversity.
The Spirit of Compassion: to love others and we love ourselves. True love requires action. Christ did not just speak about love; He showed it every day of His live. Love led our Savior to the Garden of Gethsemane to make Himself a ransom for our sins. As we reach out our hands in love to others, something wonderful happens to us. We are healed inside and become more like Christ. Let us commit to become His hands, that others, through us, may feel His love and commit to His praise.
Elder Scott
His totally obedient, worthy son shattered the bonds of death. What a glorious morning that first morning was for all those who understand its significance. Easter is a season that should bring peace and joy to all those who love Him, and they should show it by keeping His commandments.
He answers the ends of the law unto all those with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. (Lehi) The atonement makes possible to overcome all the negative effects of all the mistakes that we make in life. It is vital that each of us learn what we can about the atonement. Except the atonement be done perfected, none of Heavenly Father’s children could have returned to Him. Jesus had to personally feel all of the pain and sorrow of every person. Jesus had to feel the removal of His Father’s sustaining power to complete the atonement on the cross. Our understanding and faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ will bring sustaining power throughout our lives.
Use the church as a righteous tool to strengthen our home. But recognize that we have the right to inspiration for our own home and family. “What would the Lord Jesus Christ have me do?”
Elder Hallstrom
A couple lost their baby during child birth. They became angry and wanted revenge on the doctor and also became angry with the Lord. Four generations of this family became affected. There is often only one source of peace: the Prince of Peace. “Come unto me…” “My peace I give unto you…”
His aunt died in childbirth along with the twins she was carried. His grandparents were heartbroken, but they turned to the Lord in their grief. They passed away within hours of each other. Elder Hallstrom conducted their double funeral. Four generations affected positively because of their righteous choices.
In less than ten months, Simons Ryder went from an eager convert to an angry mobster, all starting with the misspelling of his name.
“Hold on thy way; fear not what man can do, for God will be with thee forever and ever.” (The Lord to Joseph Smith)
If you feel that you have been treated wrongly, deal with the matter with faith. “Hold on thy way.” Never let an earthly circumstance disable you spiritually. If you turn fully to the Lord, He will deliver you out of bondage.
Sister Lant
How do we seek Him in this life, so that we might see Him in the next? “All thy children shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of they children.” Love the Lord with all our hearts, and love our children and families. Become worthy examples. We have to know the way in order to show it to our children. Teach our children the gospel and how to live His teachings. Young children can recognize and feel the Spirit. We can find help and direction from the scriptures and then direct our children to also find answers there.
Elder Quentin Cook
The two days prior to His crucifixion were profoundly important. He instituted the sacrament. He taught, “But this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” He emphasized love and unity. He took upon Himself all of our sins. He died and was resurrected on our behalf. He died, was buried, and rose again, and ascended into heaven. All other teachings are appendages to this. Contemplate and emulate what the Savior did in His last two days. Sacrament meeting is the most sacred and holy meeting among all the meetings in the church.
Many are afraid and angry with one another. We must be civil. How we disagree is a measure of who we are and how we follow our Savior. It is appropriate to disagree, but not to be disagreeable.
Spiritually avoid the low path way. Seek the higher ground.
I Wonder When He Comes Again.
President Monson
Thank you. (Two most important words in the English language.)
“If a man die, shall he live again?” (Job) If there is a design for this world, there must be a Designer. “Let there be light,” said the Grand Designer, and there was light. To understand the meaning of death, we must appreciate the purpose of life. Heavenly Father knew that we should fall short. To provide us with every possibility of success, he provided a Savior for us. “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.” (Luke) “He went about doing good.” No mere mortal can receive the full import of what Christ did for us in Gethsemane. “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.” He passed beneath all things that He might save all things.
If a man die, he shall live again. “And now after the many testimonies that have been given Him, this is the testimony last of all that we give of Him, That He lives! For we saw Him even on the right hand of the Father.” (Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon)
While Jason was struggling with a debilitating illness, his father said to him that even with the things that he was going through, that he never wanted him to lose his faith in Jesus Christ. Jason opened his eyes and said, “Never.” He died two weeks later. His brother received a mission call. They opened a call together. “Called to serve their missions together on both sides of the veil.”
“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death.” In our deepest trials of sorrow, we can receive profound peace.

Sunday afternoon General Conference 4 April 2010
Elder Nelson
Because of the atonement, these consummate blessings are available to the obedient. This church is a witness the hope and the help of the preservation of the family. We have a natural yearning to connect with our ancestors. Our inborn yearnings for sacred connections with our families are fulfilled through the sealing ordinances of the temple.
Duplication has been reduced and procedures have been simplified. Gone are the days that this special work was only done by specialists. Primary children can draw a family tree; youth can engage in proxy baptisms in the temple and help their parents with computer efforts, etc. The New Family Search can be accessed at home, a family history center, or wherever Internet is available. (Family Ordinance request—ordinance cards are printed at the temple.) Begin with an empty cardboard box. Put in information about yourself and your family. A family history consultant from your ward or branch will help you. There is more work ahead. Duplication and errors need correction. The church, under the inspired leadership of Thomas S. Monson, is working with you to bring about one common pedigree chart.
We are exalted when we can dwell together with our extended families in the presence of God. “We can make it happen.” We need to prepare a record that is worthy of all acceptation.
Elder Hales
“We do not doubt our mothers knew it.” (Stripling Warriors) Show youth by example. Plan and take advantage of teaching moments that leave a lasting impression upon their hearts. The greatest interest comes from warm interaction with parents. Where family meals are concerned, it is not the food but the family interaction that nourishes the soul. “Grandpa, are you in there.” Are we there? Do we understand the hearts of our youth? Connect with them; do things with them.
On this Easter Sunday, I hope that we will take the opportunity to bear testimony that Christ lives, that we love our children. The greatest missionary service to give is in our own homes. The greatest rescue, the greatest family history and heritage and our homes, will come from our love in our homes for the generations that follow us.
Elder Foster
His father died when he was young, leaving his mother alone with four young children. They did not doubt their mother knew it. “Eric who do you think is the last word, the authority in this house.” “You are, Dad.” “How do you know that, Eric?” “Because mother told me.”
A distraction does not have to be evil to be effective. I yelled at the calves in frustration, “Follow your mothers; they know where they are going.” They were frightened because we were not their mothers. Elder Foster went back to get the cows so that they would lead their calves back to the corral.
Some of our loved ones will stray for a season, but we must never give up. President Monson pleads with us to go and rescue our loved ones. We never know when a heart may be turned; we never know when someone will be worn out. During these times, we often turn to our mothers.
Jesus looked down from the cross at His mother Mary. His final act of love was to ask John to take care of His mother.
I Know That My Redeemer Lives!
Elder Maritino (?)
“What a pitcher!” Instead of being upset that he didn’t do as he would have liked, he acknowledge how well the pitcher on the other team did. “All things work together for good to them that love God.” (Paul)
1. He sought not to do His own will, but the will of His Father.
Pass through pains and trial that we might grow. Immunizations—a small amount of pain will prevent great agony later.
2. When we are faced with trials, we need to not complain or murmur.
Don’t ask why me, but what am I to do, what am I to learn, how can I change?
3. Seek direction through pray.
The Lord will help strengthen us as we pass through our trials. Do not become bitter or uncommitted. Be like the Savior and become more committed.
4. Learn to serve and think of others even in our times of trials.
When we serve others, we forget our own problems. Unless we lose ourselves in the service of others, there is little purpose to our lives.
5. Forgive others, and do not seek to pass the blame of our situation to them.
Elder Schwitzer
“Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things…Mary hath chosen the better part that shall not be taken from her.”
Martha found Jesus after Lazarus had died. She knew that whatever Jesus would say, would be. “I am the resurrection and the life…Whosever believeth in me shall never die.” Martha believed that Jesus was indeed the Redeemer.
The truth lies in knowing the whole person. (Am I a Mary or a Martha? Martha had a great testimony.)
“Doctor, will my wife be all right.” This man was a child of God, with a great love for another, and I had misjudged him.
Good judgment
1. Put your own standards in alignment with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
2. Listen to the messages of the living prophet.
3. Cultivate with the Holy Spirit a relationship of listening.
External and internal.
4. Keep the commandments.
5. (I missed it)
Elder Francisco_______________
No unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of God.
Be born again; born of God; changed from a carnal state to a state of righteousness through the power of the atonement.
Parents play an essential role in teaching their children of the things pertaining to righteousness. “Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness.” (Proclamation)
Elder Anderson
AT this conference, we have heard and felt the mind and will of the Lord. “We hold in our arms the rising generation… We cannot be casual in how we prepare them.”
“Tell me the stories of Jesus, I love to hear things I would ask Him to tell me if He were here.”The stories of Jesus can be a rushing wind across the embers of faith in our children’s hearts. Do our children know that Jesus stands with open arms to receive them? It is by faith that miracles are wrought. Do our children ask for miracles in their own lives? Speak more frequently about Jesus Christ. In His Holy Name is great spiritual power. “I was given to know that the Lord loves me and that I would be made equal to my mission.” (Elder Oaks’s mother)
If a child is not listening, don’t despair. Time and truth are on your side.
“Two men can do anything, as long as one of them is the Lord.”
The sting of their father’s death is swallowed up in Christ. (Young father killed 10 years ago in a car accident, leaving a wife and 7 children.)
President Monson
We are all here because we want to serve, because that is our responsibility. “Trust in the Lord with all they heart, and lean not unto thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct they paths.” (Proverbs 3:5) “My soul delighteth in the song of the righteous…” Study the words in the May Ensign and ponder them and apply the messages of this conference to your lives.
Sunday afternoon General Conference 4 April 2010
Elder Nelson
Because of the atonement, these consummate blessings are available to the obedient. This church is a witness the hope and the help of the preservation of the family. We have a natural yearning to connect with our ancestors. Our inborn yearnings for sacred connections with our families are fulfilled through the sealing ordinances of the temple.
Duplication has been reduced and procedures have been simplified. Gone are the days that this special work was only done by specialists. Primary children can draw a family tree; youth can engage in proxy baptisms in the temple and help their parents with computer efforts, etc. The New Family Search can be accessed at home, a family history center, or wherever Internet is available. (Family Ordinance request—ordinance cards are printed at the temple.) Begin with an empty cardboard box. Put in information about yourself and your family. A family history consultant from your ward or branch will help you. There is more work ahead. Duplication and errors need correction. The church, under the inspired leadership of Thomas S. Monson, is working with you to bring about one common pedigree chart.
We are exalted when we can dwell together with our extended families in the presence of God. “We can make it happen.” We need to prepare a record that is worthy of all acceptation.
Elder Hales
“We do not doubt our mothers knew it.” (Stripling Warriors) Show youth by example. Plan and take advantage of teaching moments that leave a lasting impression upon their hearts. The greatest interest comes from warm interaction with parents. Where family meals are concerned, it is not the food but the family interaction that nourishes the soul. “Grandpa, are you in there.” Are we there? Do we understand the hearts of our youth? Connect with them; do things with them.
On this Easter Sunday, I hope that we will take the opportunity to bear testimony that Christ lives, that we love our children. The greatest missionary service to give is in our own homes. The greatest rescue, the greatest family history and heritage and our homes, will come from our love in our homes for the generations that follow us.
Elder Foster
His father died when he was young, leaving his mother alone with four young children. They did not doubt their mother knew it. “Eric who do you think is the last word, the authority in this house.” “You are, Dad.” “How do you know that, Eric?” “Because mother told me.”
A distraction does not have to be evil to be effective. I yelled at the calves in frustration, “Follow your mothers; they know where they are going.” They were frightened because we were not their mothers. Elder Foster went back to get the cows so that they would lead their calves back to the corral.
Some of our loved ones will stray for a season, but we must never give up. President Monson pleads with us to go and rescue our loved ones. We never know when a heart may be turned; we never know when someone will be worn out. During these times, we often turn to our mothers.
Jesus looked down from the cross at His mother Mary. His final act of love was to ask John to take care of His mother.
I Know That My Redeemer Lives!
Elder Maritino (?)
“What a pitcher!” Instead of being upset that he didn’t do as he would have liked, he acknowledge how well the pitcher on the other team did. “All things work together for good to them that love God.” (Paul)
1. He sought not to do His own will, but the will of His Father.
Pass through pains and trial that we might grow. Immunizations—a small amount of pain will prevent great agony later.
2. When we are faced with trials, we need to not complain or murmur.
Don’t ask why me, but what am I to do, what am I to learn, how can I change?
3. Seek direction through pray.
The Lord will help strengthen us as we pass through our trials. Do not become bitter or uncommitted. Be like the Savior and become more committed.
4. Learn to serve and think of others even in our times of trials.
When we serve others, we forget our own problems. Unless we lose ourselves in the service of others, there is little purpose to our lives.
5. Forgive others, and do not seek to pass the blame of our situation to them.
Elder Schwitzer
“Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things…Mary hath chosen the better part that shall not be taken from her.”
Martha found Jesus after Lazarus had died. She knew that whatever Jesus would say, would be. “I am the resurrection and the life…Whosever believeth in me shall never die.” Martha believed that Jesus was indeed the Redeemer.
The truth lies in knowing the whole person. (Am I a Mary or a Martha? Martha had a great testimony.)
“Doctor, will my wife be all right.” This man was a child of God, with a great love for another, and I had misjudged him.
Good judgment
1. Put your own standards in alignment with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
2. Listen to the messages of the living prophet.
3. Cultivate with the Holy Spirit a relationship of listening.
External and internal.
4. Keep the commandments.
5. (I missed it)
Elder Francisco_______________
No unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of God.
Be born again; born of God; changed from a carnal state to a state of righteousness through the power of the atonement.
Parents play an essential role in teaching their children of the things pertaining to righteousness. “Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness.” (Proclamation)
Elder Anderson
AT this conference, we have heard and felt the mind and will of the Lord. “We hold in our arms the rising generation… We cannot be casual in how we prepare them.”
“Tell me the stories of Jesus, I love to hear things I would ask Him to tell me if He were here.”The stories of Jesus can be a rushing wind across the embers of faith in our children’s hearts. Do our children know that Jesus stands with open arms to receive them? It is by faith that miracles are wrought. Do our children ask for miracles in their own lives? Speak more frequently about Jesus Christ. In His Holy Name is great spiritual power. “I was given to know that the Lord loves me and that I would be made equal to my mission.” (Elder Oaks’s mother)
If a child is not listening, don’t despair. Time and truth are on your side.
“Two men can do anything, as long as one of them is the Lord.”
The sting of their father’s death is swallowed up in Christ. (Young father killed 10 years ago in a car accident, leaving a wife and 7 children.)
President Monson
We are all here because we want to serve, because that is our responsibility. “Trust in the Lord with all they heart, and lean not unto thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct they paths.” (Proverbs 3:5) “My soul delighteth in the song of the righteous…” Study the words in the May Ensign and ponder them and apply the messages of this conference to your lives.
Sunday afternoon General Conference 4 April 2010
Elder Nelson
Because of the atonement, these consummate blessings are available to the obedient. This church is a witness the hope and the help of the preservation of the family. We have a natural yearning to connect with our ancestors. Our inborn yearnings for sacred connections with our families are fulfilled through the sealing ordinances of the temple.
Duplication has been reduced and procedures have been simplified. Gone are the days that this special work was only done by specialists. Primary children can draw a family tree; youth can engage in proxy baptisms in the temple and help their parents with computer efforts, etc. The New Family Search can be accessed at home, a family history center, or wherever Internet is available. (Family Ordinance request—ordinance cards are printed at the temple.) Begin with an empty cardboard box. Put in information about yourself and your family. A family history consultant from your ward or branch will help you. There is more work ahead. Duplication and errors need correction. The church, under the inspired leadership of Thomas S. Monson, is working with you to bring about one common pedigree chart.
We are exalted when we can dwell together with our extended families in the presence of God. “We can make it happen.” We need to prepare a record that is worthy of all acceptation.
Elder Hales
“We do not doubt our mothers knew it.” (Stripling Warriors) Show youth by example. Plan and take advantage of teaching moments that leave a lasting impression upon their hearts. The greatest interest comes from warm interaction with parents. Where family meals are concerned, it is not the food but the family interaction that nourishes the soul. “Grandpa, are you in there.” Are we there? Do we understand the hearts of our youth? Connect with them; do things with them.
On this Easter Sunday, I hope that we will take the opportunity to bear testimony that Christ lives, that we love our children. The greatest missionary service to give is in our own homes. The greatest rescue, the greatest family history and heritage and our homes, will come from our love in our homes for the generations that follow us.
Elder Foster
His father died when he was young, leaving his mother alone with four young children. They did not doubt their mother knew it. “Eric who do you think is the last word, the authority in this house.” “You are, Dad.” “How do you know that, Eric?” “Because mother told me.”
A distraction does not have to be evil to be effective. I yelled at the calves in frustration, “Follow your mothers; they know where they are going.” They were frightened because we were not their mothers. Elder Foster went back to get the cows so that they would lead their calves back to the corral.
Some of our loved ones will stray for a season, but we must never give up. President Monson pleads with us to go and rescue our loved ones. We never know when a heart may be turned; we never know when someone will be worn out. During these times, we often turn to our mothers.
Jesus looked down from the cross at His mother Mary. His final act of love was to ask John to take care of His mother.
I Know That My Redeemer Lives!
Elder Maritino (?)
“What a pitcher!” Instead of being upset that he didn’t do as he would have liked, he acknowledge how well the pitcher on the other team did. “All things work together for good to them that love God.” (Paul)
1. He sought not to do His own will, but the will of His Father.
Pass through pains and trial that we might grow. Immunizations—a small amount of pain will prevent great agony later.
2. When we are faced with trials, we need to not complain or murmur.
Don’t ask why me, but what am I to do, what am I to learn, how can I change?
3. Seek direction through pray.
The Lord will help strengthen us as we pass through our trials. Do not become bitter or uncommitted. Be like the Savior and become more committed.
4. Learn to serve and think of others even in our times of trials.
When we serve others, we forget our own problems. Unless we lose ourselves in the service of others, there is little purpose to our lives.
5. Forgive others, and do not seek to pass the blame of our situation to them.
Elder Schwitzer
“Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things…Mary hath chosen the better part that shall not be taken from her.”
Martha found Jesus after Lazarus had died. She knew that whatever Jesus would say, would be. “I am the resurrection and the life…Whosever believeth in me shall never die.” Martha believed that Jesus was indeed the Redeemer.
The truth lies in knowing the whole person. (Am I a Mary or a Martha? Martha had a great testimony.)
“Doctor, will my wife be all right.” This man was a child of God, with a great love for another, and I had misjudged him.
Good judgment
1. Put your own standards in alignment with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
2. Listen to the messages of the living prophet.
3. Cultivate with the Holy Spirit a relationship of listening.
External and internal.
4. Keep the commandments.
5. (I missed it)
Elder Francisco_______________
No unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of God.
Be born again; born of God; changed from a carnal state to a state of righteousness through the power of the atonement.
Parents play an essential role in teaching their children of the things pertaining to righteousness. “Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness.” (Proclamation)
Elder Anderson
AT this conference, we have heard and felt the mind and will of the Lord. “We hold in our arms the rising generation… We cannot be casual in how we prepare them.”
“Tell me the stories of Jesus, I love to hear things I would ask Him to tell me if He were here.”The stories of Jesus can be a rushing wind across the embers of faith in our children’s hearts. Do our children know that Jesus stands with open arms to receive them? It is by faith that miracles are wrought. Do our children ask for miracles in their own lives? Speak more frequently about Jesus Christ. In His Holy Name is great spiritual power. “I was given to know that the Lord loves me and that I would be made equal to my mission.” (Elder Oaks’s mother)
If a child is not listening, don’t despair. Time and truth are on your side.
“Two men can do anything, as long as one of them is the Lord.”
The sting of their father’s death is swallowed up in Christ. (Young father killed 10 years ago in a car accident, leaving a wife and 7 children.)
President Monson
We are all here because we want to serve, because that is our responsibility. “Trust in the Lord with all they heart, and lean not unto thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct they paths.” (Proverbs 3:5) “My soul delighteth in the song of the righteous…” Study the words in the May Ensign and ponder them and apply the messages of this conference to your lives.
“I invoke the blessings of heaven on each of you….I love you; I pray for you….”