San Bernardino Stake Women’s Conference 5 March 2011
p. 263 Go Forth With Faith
Sister Flora Morgan Redlands Temple Matron (2009—2012)
One of the joys of a small temple, you become a smaller family group, and you get to see and recognize people that serve there.
“The thing about growing old, is that when you wake up with a new pain, you can just about expect it to become a new part of your life.” (Sister Hinckley, not exact)
“I want the Lord to know that I was really here and that I really lived.
“I knew that if I started to go down, he would catch me. He believed that I could do it, so he gave me space to try. She tried everything she could to reach her big brother. That’s how she learned to swim.
Jesus is there to catch me if I fail. Too many times I’m like Peter.
If the winds came from the NE, the sea could become violent. 4th watch, 6 a.m. The disciples saw Jesus walking on the sea. (Galilee) Jesus, “Be of good cheer for it is I; be not afraid.” “Lord, if it be thou, bid me to come to the on the water.” “Come.” Peter started to walk on the water to go see Jesus. The boisterous wind made him doubt and he began to sink. “Lord, save me.” “Oh thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt.” Disciples recognized that Jesus was the Son of God. The distractions can make us afraid. It is not easy to step out into the darkness, to step into the water.
Boyd K. Packer—needed to find home in SLC. Harold B. Lee said he should proceed. Boyd K. Packer said there was no way for him to proceed. All of their funds had been spent on education. President Lee, “I know that it is right.” President McKay, “You do this; it is right.” Lee, “Do you know what is wrong with you? You always want to see the end from the beginning.” “Dispute not because you see not; you receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.” Walk to the edge of the light and even a few steps into the darkness.
If you walk into the light, there is more light further on. Engineer to Brother Talmage: Look at the engine headlight. Doesn’t that light up the track for a hundred yards or more? The light is always ahead of me. For a few yards or even a few feet, the track ahead of us is clear. Keep moving forward. We can go on just that little bit farther and try a little harder.
“The Lord in his great infinite goodness does bless and prosper those who put their trust in Him.” (Helaman) Because of ease and prosperity, the people forget the Lord. Unless the Lord visits His people with death, terror, famine, and pestilence, they will not remember Him. Avoid places of physical and spiritual contagion. Sometimes we put ourselves in harm’s way; we don’t want to do that. Do mistake smallpox for chickenpox.
We are SO blessed to have Redlands Temple so close. We need to do all that we can to get to the temple. The temple will not make our problems disappear. But it will arm us to face our challenges. We are blessed through temple service; plus, we bless those who cannot receive these blessings for themselves. We go to the temple often because we learn by repetition. We need to do more than get our feet wet. (Waters to the ankles, to the knees, to the loins, a river that I could not pass over, waters to swim in.) Make the temple a great part of our lives. The temple gives us the strength we need to face our challenges. It is a place where we can worship the Lord with all our hearts.
Sister Morgan lived with her family in Japan where she learned ancient style of flower arranging. She had to arrange her flowers within the “V” inside the vase. Sometimes we need to saw off boughs to make them fit into the “V.” Sometimes we need to trim away things that we see as beautiful in order to make the arrangement fit perfectly into the “V” making it look like one plant growing together.
Sometimes we must trim away some of our bad habits in order for us to get our temple recommends. We need to trim away some of our lives to meet the requirements. We won’t miss them. A temple recommend is a wonderful thing to have.
“Remember that it is upon the Rock of our Redeemer that you must build your foundation.” A sure foundation; if we build upon it, we cannot fall. The devil will send forth his shafts in the whirlwind. We need a firm foundation.
Her husband saw a huge dark cloud approaching. We knew that hail would accompany any rain that fell. This would ruin the wheat crop. His father and he knelt and prayed, reminding the Lord that this crop would bring in the money to send him on a mission. He asked Father to bless the crop against the elements and to preserve the crop. The clouds kept approaching, but her husband trusted in his father’s faith. When the storm reached their land, it parted and went around their crop. When it past their placed, it gathered together and went on. Only the edges were damaged, to show them what could have happened. He was able to go on his mission.
Hoover Dam, tall and in a narrow gorge, curvature towards water. A firm foundation built into the rock. (Look up full scripture.)
Commit your life to your Father in Heaven, to His Son, to the Church, and to the Temple. If you cannot go to the temple at this time, do the research. Prepare names for temple ordinances. We can do this from our homes. Prepare yourself; live your lives so that you can be worthy to go to the temple. It can be a rock and a sure foundation in your life.
Narration from RS presidents:
“Be strong and of a good courage.” We need stronger families and stronger homes. Righteous sisters seek out and help those in need. Be steadfast and strong. Have Savior as God. God is awake, and He is in charge. He is at the helm.
“Courageously” I Know He Lives—This is my one chance…I’ll stand with Him courageously.
“Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God.” We need to be mothers that teach and train our children in modesty and righteous. As women of virtue, seek to bring the light of the gospel into our homes.
“Virtue” No matter what the world may do, I am a daughter of God and I am holding on to virtue. I am confident in my divinity. God has placed beauty in each one of us, and that beauty shines when we live lives of virtue.
“I am the Light that shineth in darkness. Put your trust in that spirit that leads to do good.”
We have the gospel perspective. We reach out to our sisters through visiting teaching to provide temporal and spiritual nourishment to those in need.
“Be Not Afraid”
Live like you believe; live like you know; it’s one sure way that your faith will grow. Listen to your heart; search in your soul and you’ll find the strength that you need—His Light, the gift of His peace. When you live like you believe. When you find yourself alone and afraid questioning the choices you’ve made, hold on.
Be not afraid, only belief. Ships are safe in harbor, but that is not what ships are for. We need to do more; we need to reach out and serve. As daughters of God, we were born to lead.
“Strong and Courageous” Don’t be afraid; let your heart believe there are a million shining stars up there that you can’t even see, and you are worth more than all of them combined. Sometimes it’s hard to see the Father’s grand design. Don’t be dismayed, He knows your name. There is a way, be not afraid. You have the hope of Christ.
A woman of faith: The things that are seen are temporal, but the things that are not seen are eternal. A woman of faith trusts God. She knows of His interest in her. She knows that the Savior will call her by name. She is grateful for the prophet and his counsel. She shows her love for the Lord by the way she lives. She is courageous and fearless. She stays away from evil and unclean thing. Her goal is that she and her posterity will return with honor.
“Valiant Faith” I was born to be a warrior of light, with the faith to move mountains. I want to live my life with honor and faith. I want to return to His arms unashamed. It’s not enough for me to live it half way. I’ll follow Him fearlessly all of my days. I will live with valiant faith. I’ve lived for ages and prepared for this life; I won’t be confused and cross to the enemy’s side.
“God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and a sound mind.” “Thou are an elect lady whom I have called.” We cannot let the world define what womanhood means. We must live as daughters of God. Lead the world in everything that is virtuous, praiseworthy, and of good report. Be an influence for good in this world.
“Strong and Courageous” We are daughters of God. We will take the shield of faith and withstand the evils of these final days. At all times, in all things, in all places we will be strong and courageous.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” “It isn’t as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out; don’t worry.” (President Hinckley) The Lord will not forsake us if we put our trust in Him. We can trust in the Lord. Things will always work out. Heavenly Father is in church.
Sister Karen Rohm
“Be of strong and of good courage…” (Joshua)
The ship is safe in a harbor, but that is not what ships are for.
Our God is a refining God. “Sometimes live will come at us with great intensities…Metal is best refined in the furnace of perfection.” (Hinckley) “And being in an agony, He prayed more earnestly.” This type of prayer is part of the refining process.
Video Presentation: “Come Thou Font of Every Blessing”
President Poulsen
“He truly lives, and He is there for you and He is there for me.” If we put our total trust in Him, we shall make it through. We must trust Him and we must love Him. President Poulsen will be released as stake president in two weeks. Adult session of conference, he will issue to us a final challenge. I have the answer; I know; I have the answer to the question I’ve had for many years. “I cannot do what you’ve started to do. I will not, I cannot.” I know why I had the courage to do that. I know why I could climb Mt. Everest. I had the courage to ask the brethren to shave facial hair. I know why I had the courage for my profession. In two weeks, I’m going to teach you what that is about. Of course, it comes from the Savior and the prophet.
D. Todd Christopherson of the Quorum of the Twelve is also coming. Remember the reason for stake conference. We have conference in the church so that we can go and be prompted so that we know what we should do. We can receive personal revelations about what the Lord will have us do. It is important for us to attend this stake conference. God loves us; he loves you; many of you are struggling; many are not, but you will struggle. Put your faith in Christ. He will guide you; He will bless you; He will heal you. May the choicest blessings of heaven be yours. May you understand that He loves you and that He is with you. President Poulsen left us with his love and his blessing.
“Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”