Saturday, August 29, 2015

My Thoughts About Ben Carson

Dr.  Ben Carson answers a few questions at the close of each day. I don't remember any other presidential candidate in my lifetime ever doing that. It seems like here is a man who is dedicated to serving the people.

I have read a couple of Dr. Carson's books, and in so doing am convinced that he is a good and talented man, and a faithful Christian disciple. Beyond that, I am impressed with what he's said so far in his candidacy and with his poise and demeanor is speaking with the press.

Things I like about Dr. Ben Carson:

Dr. Carson values life. He is Pro-Life, and he is not afraid to say so.

Dr. Carson stands with Israel. He isn't interested in making deals that would weaken our nation or jeopardize our friends.

Dr. Carson believes in accountability. He doesn't think that government should keep taxing and spending without a clear plan to improve the financial situation of our country. He also believes in fairness; that the workers shouldn't be penalized for working or for providing jobs to others.

Dr. Carson understands the need for good doctor and patient relationships. He also understands why Obamacare is not good for health care and not desirable for our country.

Dr. Carson believes in the history and destiny of our country. He upholds the same Judeo-Christian values upon which the Founding Fathers established this country, and he doesn't feel the need to apologize for virtue.

Dr. Carson knows how to work under pressure without fumbling. He has literally held the balance of life in his hands when fatigued and at his mortal limits, but has been able to rely on inner strength and faith in the Lord to help perform miracles.

Dr. Carson is a virtuous man, and because he lives a clean life, he doesn't buckle under fire. He isn't concerned with the sludge of the political arena, because he isn't part of it.

Dr. Carson values education, and he values womanhood and motherhood. His own mother was the driving force behind his success in school and subsequently as a world-renowned brain surgeon. He knows that hard work opens possibilities that otherwise would be missed. He also knows that God has a plan for each of us, and God honors those who have faith in Him and keep His commandments with blessings that they seek.

Dr. Carson is a friend to truth. He is educated and yet teachable. He is powerful and yet humble. He is a friend to the down-trodden, not by just giving handouts, but by reaching to offer a hand to help others up.

Our Country needs someone who is friendly to America, her mission and her purpose. I believe that Dr. Carson could be that man. I think it is time for us to stop playing politics like a poker game and start voting for those whom we think are wholesome, who are good problem solvers, who will be good leaders, and who will provide both morale and moral direction for our country.

Dr. Carson cares about our future and our children. I think that if we care about those same things, we should vote for someone whose passion it is to serve those purposes.

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