Saturday, January 2, 2010

She's leaving us; bye, bye.

Bob and I took our oldest to the airport this afternoon. She's left us yet again. Tears came to my eyes as soon as I got back into the car and looked at my husband. But am I sad? Not really. She has a fantastic job, a single's ward that she loves, many friends, and my side of the family all live close. I am so happy that she is doing so well. She asked Bob to give her a blessing before we left for the airport, which was a great privilege for all of us. She'll be back to her ward tomorrow and back to her job Monday. Bob will be back to work; our oldest son will be starting a master's program this next week; our missionaries are busy missionarying; and my youngest daughter and I will be busy schooling with CAVA. She will also be back to early morning Seminary. Plus, I need to start working on the on-line English class that I am taking. Being busy is a beautiful blessing.

Bob and I ate dinner at Dickey's. We'd never eaten there before, but it is a great little barbeque place. It reminded me of eating at Bill Miller's in San Antonio, Texas. Brisket is the best! Then we did a little shopping at Costco and Winco. And we ate bridge mix. The round jelly ones are the most awesome.

Thank you, Ladybug, for your friendship and for being our firstborn. You have brought great joy into our lives. Thanks for taking the time to come be with us for my birthday in October and for this past Christmas season. Have a wonderful year! I know you will.

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